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Don't Waste a Moment

How It Begins

Now I know you are going to read this and think "what the Heck' but,

I had the good fortune to be really, really, sick a few years back, twice. I wondered if I would ever feel good again.

I was chatting with a friend about how I was feeling, she had the Canadian Death Race poster on the wall of her business. This poster has a big death skull on it, which was exactly how I was feeling, like death was creeping me..

I decided right there and then if I ever got better I would run that race, 18 months later I did and have never stopped....


While I was training for this race I distinctly remember thinking, I'm not going to miss a moment of this process. Every flower, mushroom, sunrise, sunset, cool bug, plant, warm breeze, I didn't want and don't want to miss a thing. Feeling like I might not be here for my family has really put my life into perspective and giving me a desire to drink in all the experiences life has to offer.

I feel lucky

As I sit at my mothers sick bed I feel sad for her, did she get to experience her dreams? Does she feel fulfilled? As many from her generation do, did she wait to long to live and now it's to late?

I really do feel lucky that I have been given the opportunity and family support to go, do and try everything that I feel I need to.

When I die

If I were to die tomorrow my friends and family can and will be happy in the knowledge that I left no stone unturned, no flower un-smelled, no squirrel unseen. I am fulfilled!!!!!


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