How to Choose a Race

Spring is finally here, and for alot of us this means RACE season.
If you have not already choosen and signed up for your race season, nows the time. The weather is getting nicer, the trails are clearing off, and the milage is starting to ramp up.
But how do you choose? Where can you look for races?
Never fear! We at Bush Babes Trail Running have you covered. Lets start with how do you choose?
1. Look at whats out there, does something jump out at you? My first ultra was choosen by the home page picture. It was The Canadian Death Race and the picture was of a skull, I thought well you probably run until you die! sounds good lets it..
How do you? There are so many races out there with
2. What kind of time can you put into your training will be a big factor or what distance you decide. Once youve decided on the distance,
3. Do I want to Travel
Or stick close to home? Am I looking for an adventure with new trails and scenery where I may not know the Terrain, or I may want to race on trails I've trained on. Sometimes the unknown can be intimating especially if your are new to racing so you may want to race in an area you are familiar with.
Myself I like to experience new trails, view and not know whats comping next.
4. How much time to have to train before for my choosen race day?
You need to be realistic about where your fitness level is now, and how long you have to train.
For example, if your farthest run is 5km in the last few weeks, and you want to race a 50km run, you will need at least 16-20 weeks to train, reaching the start and finish line uninjured. .
If you are hoping to train for a 25km race or run with the same longest run being 5km you will need 12-16 weeks to reach to start and finish line uninjured.
Give yourself as much time as posibble if you are newer to the choosen distance.
More experianced runners are able to be more flexable with their distance choice. With that said the more time you can give yourself to build the more successful you will be.
It's a great idea to consult with an experienced runner or Coach if you are unsure.
Where can you look for races?